Cashflow forecasting & financial reporting for small and medium-sized businesses

Real-time cash flow forecasting & planning

Track where your cash goes and when it comes in at any time. Monitor your cash flow in real-time and visualize your cash flow in the long and short term.

Advanced reporting with analytical data

Use a balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement. Compose your own reporting structure and enrich your data with analytical axes.

Cash flow planning & what-if scenarios

Plan ahead into the future and predict the impact of strategic decisions. Create multiple budgets in just a few clicks and compare performance to your budget in real-time.

Set few clicks a cash flow forecast together

Use sector templates and budget modules. Create a cash flow forecast in the blink of an eye and personalize it tailored to your business.

Make use of live data & integrations

Adjust your forecast realistically in the short term. Integrate your project management, CRM or operational data and keep your numbers up to date automatically.

Connect your bookkeeping & use historical data

Avoid double entry and keep your data live. Update your cash flow forecast in real-time and adjust it automatically with the latest changes within your organization.

Centralize your data in one platform

Manage all your financial data in one platform. Use drill down navigations and click through from a helicopter view to the invoice level in one screen.

Watch our interactive demos on a big screen

Wondering how Monitr works without first creating an account? Try out our interactive demos on a larger screen.

Available on tablet or larger

Discuss the options for your company

Feel free to talk to a cash flow expert and explore the possibilities of cash flow forecasting for your organization

Centralize your data

Gain an in-depth overview of your company through a single comprehensive source

Simulate your cashflow over time and access your figures in real-time through interactive dashboards.

Generate reports using a customizable income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement.

Integrate your accounting, CRM, project, and operational tools with your cashflow forecast.

Navigate from top down to individual invoice details. Centralize and consolidate your data.

Utilize both historical and operational data to dynamically update your cashflow forecast.

Automatically incorporate VAT, along with outstanding receivables and payables with your forecast.

Assess the impact of strategic decisions on your figures and cash flow by using financial scenarios with real-time data.

Create your cash flow forecast on the fly by making use of a budget builder, budget modules, and real-time data.

Beschikbaar in / Available in
Use Cases

Cashflow forecasting at the core of your industry

Onze software is er niet voor iedereen - en net dat maakt ze zo sterk. Door te focussen op specifieke sectoren wordt Monitr steeds beter.

Aushim Koumar

CEO - Konligo


Valery Potchekailov

CEO - Storychief


Jef van den Branden

CEO - De Ondernemers fabriek


Chief Financial Officer

Cashflow forecasting is often a complex and costly endeavour, with the traditional reliance on spreadsheets being the main alternative. However, spreadsheets can be both time-consuming and susceptible to errors. Using Monitr, we can effortlessly create detailed forecasts for multiple customers in mere minutes.

Peter Strik - CEO Espresso Finance

SaaS (Software as a Service)

Monitr allows me to easily simulate the impact on our cash balance, allowing me to precisely determine the optimal time for hiring new staff and making better decisions. Having access to accurate and up-to-date numbers, especially for my financial runway, has greatly simplified this entire process.

Valery Potchekailov - CEO StoryChief


Having a solid grip on financial management is crucial for the success of any business. With Monitr, we have the ability to personalize and centralize our approach for each customer. This enables us to provide our clients with real-time, accurate, and up-to-date figures, enhancing our overall service quality.

Maarten van Leeuwen - Rockit Finance

Retail / E-commerce

Monitr aids me in maintaining a clear overview of both my cash flow and P&L forecast, as well as the current state of my accounts. This dual perspective allows us to easily compare scenarios in real-time and benchmark various pipelines, each with their unique specificities.

Aushim Koumar - CEO Konligo

Agencies / Consulting

Monitr delivers powerful visual insights into our financial figures and enables us to swiftly test our forecasts for the upcoming years against actual data. Thanks to its well-organized dashboard, we can instantly understand our current financial position.

Jeff Van den Branden - De ondernemersfabriek


Integrate your accounting software, CRM- and tools with your forecast

Monitr directly connects to your accounting software, going beyond merely using past figures. It allows you to employ budget modules for instant cashflow calculation and updates your figures in real-time, drawing on both historical and operational data.

A brief overview of Monitr compared to spreadsheets and its major competitors.

Centralize your data in one platform

With Monitr, centralizing all your data on a single platform is effortless. Integrate Monitr with your accounting, CRM, and operational tools to keep your figures and cash flow forecast updated in real-time.

⏩ #1: A 360° view of your financial situation

Effortlessly compare your performance against your predetermined budget at a glance. Utilize drill-down navigation and analytical axes to seamlessly navigate from a high-level overview down to individual invoice details.

⏩ #2: Utilize both historical and operational data

With all your data centralized on one platform, you can update both your figures and forecast in real-time by leveraging both historical and operational data.

This enables you to efficiently compile and personalize an accurate cash flow forecast, as well as to simulate and visualize the evolution of your cash flow in real-time.

Integrates with your accounting

By utilizing a direct connection with your accounting software, all changes are immediately reflected in both your cash flow forecast and financial figures.

⏩ #1: Real-time - no dual input

Each entry in your accounting software is automatically synchronized with Monitr. This eliminates the need for manual data entry, thereby reducing the risk of errors and double entries.

⏩ #2: Enhanced accuracy and Detail

Moreover, Monitr utilizes an indirect cash flow forecasting method, integrated directly with your accounting software. This combination ensures reliable and real-time financial insights into your company.

Benefit from an in-depth cashflow forecast that transcends beyond basic income and expense tracking, providing you with a comprehensive and detailed financial overview.

Extensive reporting with analytical axes

Monitr offers an intuitive drag-and-drop system, allowing you to tailor your reporting structure to your company's needs.

⏩ #1: Detailed Insight

With Monitr, gain a direct overview of your business performance, augmented with three detailed reports: an income statement, a balance sheet, and a cash flow statement.

This also allows you to effortlessly compare your real-time performance against your predetermined budget, and facilitates in-depth analysis of your performance and transactions, directly extracted from your reports.

⏩ #2: Actionable figures

For more advanced reporting, Monitr includes the use of analytical axes, which facilitate easy filtering by departments, projects, branches, and more.

You can apply these axes to enhance your reporting structure, or use them to filter and pivot your results for more insightful analyses.

Bottom-up cashflow forecasting

The accuracy of your forecast largely depends on the calculation method and the frequency of updates.

#1: Don't rely solely on past figures

Monitr's approach goes beyond just applying past figures. It calculates your budget in real-time based on your accounting records, budget modules, and operational data, offering a more dynamic, detailed and accurate forecasting method.

⏩ #2: Create a forecast in real-time

Monitr's budget modules enable you to easily draw up a cashflow forecast, even without a financial background. Each module provides a step-by-step configurator to calculate the cash flow of your business for various components in real-time (like personnel costs, recurring revenue, VAT, etc.).

This feature allows you to continually update both your cash flow and forecast, resulting in more accurate and reliable projections in both the short and long term.

Real-time and accurate data

The reliability of a forecast often hinges on the quality of your data. Hence, having live and constantly updated figures is crucial. This can be a daunting task when relying merely on spreadsheets.

⏩ #1: Budget builder vs. spreadsheets

Switching from spreadsheets to budget modules can significantly reduce errors due to minimized manual input. Using budget modules to build your budget relieves you from the complexities of formulating and calculating cash flow yourself.

This ensures that formulas and data matching are handled automatically, allowing the use of both historical and operational data. Consequently, you're provided with accurate and current figures that are tailored and well-suited for your business.

⏩ #2: Real-time & up-to-date

While some cashflow solutions require manual re-entry of data, Monitr utilizes live data and establishes a direct connection with your accounting software.

This eliminates the need for manual updates, ensuring that, once configured, your data remains consistently accurate and up-to-date.

What Makes Us Unique

Monitr is the perfect solution if...

Your cash flow is critical to your business

Monitr employs budget modules to enhance the accuracy of your cash flow forecast in real-time. This provides you with a realistic view of your financial numbers, enabling you to simulate cash inflows and outflows at any given moment.

You want to simulate your cashflow in real-time

Monitr directly integrates with your accounting and operational tools, providing detailed and current insights into your cash flow evolution. This integration enables you to easily track how and when your money comes in, ensuring that your figures are always updated in real-time. As a result, you can be confident that your financial data is consistently accurate and up-to-date.

You need a customizable reporting structure

Monitr offers a user-friendly drag-and-drop system that allows you to build or modify a customized reporting structure in just a few clicks. Utilize drill-down navigation to seamlessly transition from a holistic overview to detailed invoice-level analysis.

Additionally, Monitr provides three essential reports: a profit and loss account, a balance sheet, and a cash flow statement. For more sophisticated reporting needs, you can employ analytical axes, such as cost center, carrier, or project codes. These can be integrated into your reporting structure or used to filter and pivot your results for deeper insights.

You want to use operational data

With Monitr, you have the capability to use budget modules and operational data to construct and adjust your budget in real time. This enables you to update your cash flow forecast independently of your accounts and synchronize your figures in real time—just like your forecasts—by linking to your operational tools.

Consequently, you're not limited to analysing past figures alone. Instead, you consistently have access to accurate and current data. This approach not only ensures the accuracy and reliability of your forecasts in both the short and long term but also enhances overall financial planning efficiency.

You want to create a real-time cash flow forecast without Excel

By utilizing budget modules in Monitr, you can calculate your cash flow both accurately and reliably with just a few clicks. A budget module acts as a logical calculation model, essentially replacing complex spreadsheets and their associated challenges. This system ensures you no longer need to manually update or match CSV files.

Since Monitr centralizes your data within one platform and connects directly to your accounts, you can be confident that your data is always updated in real time. This guarantees that you consistently have access to accurate and current figures.

Other solutions are indicated if...
All you need is simple calculations to predict your cashflow

If you prefer to use a spreadsheet for cashflow forecasting and find it sufficient, we certainly respect that choice. However, it's important to be aware that manual calculations, as in this case, can significantly impact your results. When you opt to switch from spreadsheets to budget modules, you can significantly reduce the risk of errors by minimizing manual data entry.

This shift also eliminates the need to manually match data or worry about the logical structure of formulas. A budget module employs a best practice model to automatically calculate your cashflow in real time. This not only ensures a clear understanding of when your money comes and goes out, but it also guarantees that your figures are always accurate and up-to-date.

You find it sufficient to only utilise bank statements

Note that starting from bank statements only allows you to see your current financial status, without insights into future transactions, upcoming payments, and outstanding invoices. For these reasons, Monitr utilizes a direct connection with your accounting software, incorporating both historical and operational data.

This means we fully build your cash flow from scratch, ensuring that your analysis goes beyond past figures. Such a comprehensive approach significantly enhances the accuracy and reliability of your forecasts, both in the short and long term.

Utilise a profit and loss statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement.

Compose your own reporting structure or import it from your accounting software.

Employ analytical axes and apply them to your reporting.

Budget-Actual Insight: Compare your budget versus your accounting

Forecast Insight: Compare your figures against your projected budget

Delta Insight: Compare the difference between your actuals and your projected budget

Read More

Thanks to budget modules, you can easily and simply assemble your own cash flow forecast. Create financial scenarios with just a few clicks and simulate their effect on your cash flow and figures in real-time.

Utilise operational data

Best practice cashflow calculation model

Keep your data live & up-to-date

Automatically update your figures and forecast in real-time

Read more
How is my net working capital managed in Monitr?

Monitr provides a real-time, customizable cash flow overview, encompassing key components such as inventories, trade receivables, debts, financing, and VAT obligations. This feature enables precise tracking of cash inflows and outflows, pinpointing their timing and reasons. Thanks to real-time synchronization with your accounting software, you always have access to up-to-date and reliable financial insights.

This not only facilitates efficient cash flow management, but it also empowers you to make informed strategic decisions in real-time based on the latest financial data.

What does Monitr do, and how does it differ from its competitors?

What does Monitr do, and how does it differ from its competitors? Join us and check out our investor pitch at The Big Score.

💡 What is The Big Score?

The Big Score is a tech event aimed at showcasing the 40 most promising start-ups & scale-ups in Belgium. And in addition, an opportunity to connect them with international tech investors and -innovators.

💡 How does Monitr differ from other competitors?

While anyone can make a forecast, the reliability of your forecast is often greatly defined by the way it's calculated. For this reason, Monitr adopts a fundamentally different approach in the following ways:

⏩ #1: We don't simply extrapolate figures from the past.

Creating your forecast based on past figures is easy, but often inaccurate. Therefore, Monitr calculates your cash flow in real-time. This means you don't simply extrapolate figures from the past; instead, your budget is automatically built from scratch based on your accounting, budget modules, and live integrations.

⏩ #2: We use budget modules.

A budget module features a step-by-step configurator that enables you to calculate your cash flow in a specific manner. This facilitates the composition and adjustment of a cash flow forecast using live data with just a few clicks. Consequently, it provides a more accurate and reliable view of your cash flow, affecting both short-term and long-term financial projections.

⏩ #3: We build your budget completely from scratch.

Monitr adopts a bottom-up methodology for forecasting, meaning that your forecast is constructed from the ground up. This approach ensures that your financial projections are not merely extensions of past figures, but are instead based on a reliable assessment of your actual costs and revenues. As a result, it renders your forecast more credible, both in the short and long term.

How is data secured within Monitr?

Monitr secures your data with AES-256 encryption and stores it within the EU. We make daily backups at multiple locations and automatically keep your data up to date to prevent data loss. Our partners are GDPR compliant.

What is the advantage of linking your accounting to your cashflow software?

By utilizing a direct connection with your accounting software, all changes are immediately reflected in both your cash flow forecast and financial figures.

⏩ #1: Real-time - no dual input

Each entry in your accounting software is automatically synchronized with Monitr. This eliminates the need for manual data entry, thereby reducing the risk of errors and double entries.

⏩ #2: Enhanced accuracy and Detail

Moreover, Monitr utilizes an indirect cash flow forecasting method, integrated directly with your accounting software. This combination ensures reliable and real-time financial insights into your company.

Benefit from an in-depth cashflow forecast that transcends beyond basic income and expense tracking, providing you with a comprehensive and detailed financial overview.

What are budget modules and how do they calculate my cash flow?

The reliability of a forecast often hinges on the quality of your data. Hence, having live and constantly updated figures is crucial. This can be a daunting task when relying merely on spreadsheets.

⏩ #1: Budget builder vs. spreadsheets

Switching from spreadsheets to budget modules can significantly reduce errors due to minimized manual input. Using budget modules to build your budget relieves you from the complexities of formulating and calculating cash flow yourself.

This ensures that formulas and data matching are handled automatically, allowing the use of both historical and operational data. Consequently, you're provided with accurate and current figures that are tailored and well-suited for your business.

⏩ #2: Real-time & up-to-date

While some cashflow solutions require manual re-entry of data, Monitr utilizes live data and establishes a direct connection with your accounting software.

This eliminates the need for manual updates, ensuring that, once configured, your data remains consistently accurate and up-to-date.


Calculate every component of your cashflow forecast in real-time using budget modules

Automatically update your figures and cash flow forecast on short notice. With advanced budget modules you can easily keep your figures current ensuring every aspect of your cash flow forecast is provided in real-time, using the most recent data.


Subscriptions & billing

View the turnover of your current contracts at a glance. Track your churn, MRR and growth in one clear dashboard.


Project income

Map the revenue from your projects. Get a more accurate picture of the capacity of your schedule and predict your turnover based on billability & rates.

Cost of goods sold

Price and Quantity (PxQ)

Forecast your expected number of sales based on price and quantity and break down your products by product category & by sales channel.


CRM Revenue

Connect your CRM system with Monitr and adjust your revenue forecast in real-time based on your current pipeline.

Net working capital

Payables and receivables

Automatically include your outstanding customers & suppliers in your cashflow forecast and optionally apply payment delays.


Staffing costs

Calculate your staff costs based on your staff plan. (Vacation, social security & end-of-year premiums are calculated automatically in your cash flow forecast.)

Cost of goods sold

Cost of goods sold

Predict your cost of goods sold. Thanks to a handy configurator, calculate your gross margin per product and configure your cost categories individually per product level.

Cost of goods sold

Inventory Management

Keep a grip on your inventory and easily forecast your turnover. Estimate your purchases and set a safety stock per product category.

Net working capital

VAT Income and expenses

Simulate your VAT income and expenses and automatically split them into your cash flow forecast.

Manual input

Manual Budget

Upload or import your ledger results via a manual budget, adjust your budget in real-time, and export your data to a spreadsheet.


Subscriptions & billing

View the turnover of your current contracts at a glance. Track your churn, MRR and growth in one clear dashboard.

View feature

Project income

Map the revenue from your projects. Get a more accurate picture of the capacity of your schedule and predict your turnover based on billability & rates.

View feature

Project income

Map the revenue from your projects. Get a more accurate picture of the capacity of your schedule and predict your turnover based on billability & rates.

View feature
Cost of goods sold

Price and Quantity (PxQ)

Forecast your expected number of sales based on price and quantity and break down your products by product category & by sales channel.

View feature
Cost of goods sold

Cost of goods sold

Predict your cost of goods sold. Thanks to a handy configurator, calculate your gross margin per product and configure your cost categories individually per product level.

View feature
Cost of goods sold

Inventory Management

Keep a grip on your inventory and easily forecast your turnover. Estimate your purchases and set a safety stock per product category.

View feature

Subscriptions & billing

View the turnover of your current contracts at a glance. Track your churn, MRR and growth in one clear dashboard.

View feature

Subscriptions & billing

View the turnover of your current contracts at a glance. Track your churn, MRR and growth in one clear dashboard.

View feature

Project income

Map the revenue from your projects. Get a more accurate picture of the capacity of your schedule and predict your turnover based on billability & rates.

View feature
Cost of goods sold

Price and Quantity (PxQ)

Forecast your expected number of sales based on price and quantity and break down your products by product category & by sales channel.

View feature

CRM Revenue

Connect your CRM system with Monitr and adjust your revenue forecast in real-time based on your current pipeline.

Net working capital

Payables and receivables

Automatically include your outstanding customers & suppliers in your cashflow forecast and optionally apply payment delays.


Staffing costs

Calculate your staff costs based on your staff plan. (Vacation, social security & end-of-year premiums are calculated automatically in your cash flow forecast.)

View feature
Cost of goods sold

Cost of goods sold

Predict your cost of goods sold. Thanks to a handy configurator, calculate your gross margin per product and configure your cost categories individually per product level.

View feature
Net working capital

VAT Income and expenses

Simulate your VAT income and expenses and automatically split them into your cash flow forecast.

Manual input

Manual Budget

Upload or import your ledger results via a manual budget, adjust your budget in real-time, and export your data to a spreadsheet.

View feature
Others also viewed

How can I personalize my reporting structure with Monitr?

With Monitr, adapting your reporting structure to fit your company's needs is straightforward. Besides offering a balance sheet, an income statement, and a cash flow statement, Monitr allows for individual adjustments and personalization of each report. You have the option to start with a reporting template tailored to your industry or to import your own reporting structure from your accounting software. Moreover, Monitr enables you to quickly gain insights into your figures, break down totals, and utilize analytical axes, such as cost centers, cost units, and projects, among others.

With Monitr, adapting your reporting structure to fit your company's needs is straightforward. Besides offering a balance sheet, an income statement, and a cash flow statement, Monitr allows for individual adjustments and personalization of each report.

You have the option to start with a reporting template tailored to your industry or to import your own reporting structure from your accounting software. Moreover, Monitr enables you to quickly gain insights into your figures, break down totals, and utilize analytical axes, such as cost centers, cost units, and projects, among others.

Does Monitr replace Spreadsheets or Microsoft Excel?

Monitr serves as the ideal spreadsheet companion, offering functionality in both directions. You can upload your data to Monitr, import your reporting structure, or export your data back to spreadsheets. Moreover, Monitr ensures that your data is always live, achieved through three key methods: a direct link with your accounting software, budget modules, and various integrations. In essence, Monitr eliminates the need for manual data matching, enabling automatic updates in real-time. This ensures that your figures are always accurate and up to date.

Monitr serves as the ideal spreadsheet companion, offering functionality in both directions. You can upload your data to Monitr, import your reporting structure, or export your data back to spreadsheets. Moreover, Monitr ensures that your data is always live, achieved through three key methods: a direct link with your accounting software, budget modules, and various integrations. In essence, Monitr eliminates the need for manual data matching, enabling automatic updates in real-time. This ensures that your figures are always accurate and up to date.

Which systems do you already connect to?

Monitr seamlessly integrates with your accounting, project management, CRM, subscription management, and other operational tools. Every day, Monitr establishes new connections with existing software packages. For more information, visit our integration page or speak directly with an integration expert.

Monitr connects easily with your accounting, project management, CRM, subscription management and other operational tools. Click here to check the full overview of our integrations.

Didn't find your integration? Monitor makes new connections with existing software programs on a daily basis. Click here to request an integration or talk to an integration expert directly.

What happens when I connect Monitr to my accounting software?

Monitr provides an efficient solution for synchronizing your accounting data. However, it operates on a one-way traffic basis, meaning that Monitr imports data from your accounts but does not alter it. This ensures the protection of your data and guarantees that your figures are always current and up to date.

Monitr provides an efficient solution for synchronizing your accounting data. However, it operates on a one-way traffic basis, meaning that Monitr imports data from your accounts but does not alter it. This ensures the protection of your data and guarantees that your figures are always current and up to date.

Can I adjust and supplement a scenario or forecast myself?

Monitr uses a budget builder that lets you create a modified version of an existing budget in just a few clicks. Simulate the effect on your cashflow in real-time and effortlessly compare your budget directly on your dashboard or in your reports. (balance sheet, income statement and cashflow statement)

Monitr uses a budget builder that allows you to create a modified version of an existing budget and simulate the impact on your cashflow in real time. Want to experience it firsthand? Check out our interactive demo here.

What is Monitr's pricing model?

With Monitr, you pay a fixed amount per month based on your turnover. You get access to all functionalities and can connect as many integrations as you need.

With Monitr, you pay a fixed amount per month based on your turnover. You get access to all functionalities and can connect as many integrations as you need.

Does Monitr have a free trial period?

Certainly, you're welcome to experience Monitr for free with our 14-day trial. No credit card is required, and there's no automatic renewal upon expiration. Simply link your accounting software, customize your reporting, and directly take advantage of the ability to simulate your cash flow. Compare your financial performance, utilize rolling forecasts and financial scenarios, and track your cash balance in real-time.

Certainly, you're welcome to experience Monitr for free with our 14-day trial. No credit card is required, and there's no automatic renewal upon expiration. Simply link your accounting software, customize your reporting, and directly take advantage of the ability to simulate your cash flow. Compare your financial performance, utilize rolling forecasts and financial scenarios, and track your cash balance in real-time.

Does Monitr allow for monthly cancellations of its subscription?

You can cancel Monitr at any time at no extra cost. Try Monitr for 14 days for free, with no credit card or automatic renewal.

You can cancel Monitr at any time at no extra cost. Try Monitr for 14 days for free, with no credit card or automatic renewal.

What does Monitr do, and how does it differ from its competitors?

Monitr integrates with your accounting, operational tools, and uses live data to calculate your cashflow in real-time. This approach ensures that your financial projections are not merely extensions of past figures. As your budget is calculated in real-time, you gain a more reliable picture of the actual costs and revenues, and it becomes possible to accurately simulate your cash flow, both in the short and long term.

What does Monitr do, and how does it differ from its competitors? Join us and check out our investor pitch at The Big Score.

💡 What is The Big Score?

The Big Score is a tech event aimed at showcasing the 40 most promising start-ups & scale-ups in Belgium. And in addition, an opportunity to connect them with international tech investors and -innovators.

💡 How does Monitr differ from other competitors?

While anyone can make a forecast, the reliability of your forecast is often greatly defined by the way it's calculated. For this reason, Monitr adopts a fundamentally different approach in the following ways:

⏩ #1: We don't simply extrapolate figures from the past.

Creating your forecast based on past figures is easy, but often inaccurate. Therefore, Monitr calculates your cash flow in real-time. This means you don't simply extrapolate figures from the past; instead, your budget is automatically built from scratch based on your accounting, budget modules, and live integrations.

⏩ #2: We use budget modules.

A budget module features a step-by-step configurator that enables you to calculate your cash flow in a specific manner. This facilitates the composition and adjustment of a cash flow forecast using live data with just a few clicks. Consequently, it provides a more accurate and reliable view of your cash flow, affecting both short-term and long-term financial projections.

⏩ #3: We build your budget completely from scratch.

Monitr adopts a bottom-up methodology for forecasting, meaning that your forecast is constructed from the ground up. This approach ensures that your financial projections are not merely extensions of past figures, but are instead based on a reliable assessment of your actual costs and revenues. As a result, it renders your forecast more credible, both in the short and long term.

Is it possible to maintain my own reporting structure?

With the mapping scheme, you can effortlessly decide how to segment accounts and integrate them into your cash flow forecast and financial reporting. You have two options: if your accounting solutions allows it, you can directly import your reporting structure for a swift setup. If that’s not feasible, Monitr provides the flexibility to either begin with a sector-specific template or fully customise your reporting structure yourself. Thanks to an automatic link to your accounts, your figures are assured to be updated automatically, ensuring your data is always current and accurate.‍

With the mapping scheme, you can effortlessly decide how to segment accounts and integrate them into your cash flow forecast and financial reporting. You have two options: if your accounting solutions allows it, you can directly import your reporting structure for a swift setup. If that’s not feasible, Monitr provides the flexibility to either begin with a sector-specific template or fully customise your reporting structure yourself. Thanks to an automatic link to your accounts, your figures are assured to be updated automatically, ensuring your data is always current and accurate.

Bouw zelf je cash flow forecast met Microsoft Excel of Google Sheets

Ga zelf aan de slag. Bouw je eigen cash flow forecast in Microsoft Excel of Google Sheets, maak gebruik van sector specifieke templates en importeer je data in Monit.

Agencies & Consulting

Als Agency, is het opmaken van betrouwbare cash flow forecast essentieel. Maar hoe begin je hier aan? Gebruik dit financieel model als startbasis.

Download template

SaaS & IOT template

Als SaaS onderneming is het belangrijk om een betrouwbare cashflow-prognose op te stellen. Gebruik dit financieel model als uitgangspunt om te beginnen.

Download template
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Explore the possibilities of cashflow forecasting and address the needs for your business. Schedule a moment and:

Get to know cashflow forecasting in just 15 minutes

Talk to a CFO or certified cashflow expert

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Management reporting and interim figures
per month
by entity
  • Income statement, balance sheet and cash flow
  • Key metrics dashboards
  • Insight into open & outstanding invoices
  • Navigate to the invoice level
  • Export to PDF or Excel
  • plus much more...
Comprehensive reporting & cash flow forecasting and consolidation

What is your monthly turnover?



per month
by entity

  • All Monitor Lite features
  • Forecast income statement, balance sheet and cash flow
  • Real-time budgeting planning & forecasting + operational dashboards
  • (Multicurrency) consolidation
  • Integrations with operational tools (Hubspot, Teamleader, Nmbrs, etc.)
Interim reporting and cash flow (forecasting) in one tool
Contact us
  • All Monitor Lite and Premium features
  • Custom reporting templates
  • Adjusted pricing
Management reporting and interim figures
per month,
by entity
  • Income statement, balance sheet and cash flow
  • Key metrics dashboards
  • Insight into outstanding invoices
  • Click through to the invoice level
  • Export to PDF or Excel
  • plus much more...
Comprehensive reporting & cash flow forecasting and consolidation

What is your monthly turnover?



per month
by entity

  • All Monitor Lite features
  • Forecast income statement, balance sheet and cash flow
  • Calculation modules for your budget and operational dashboards
  • (Multicurrency) consolidation
  • Integrations with operational tools (Hubspot, Teamleader, Nmbrs, etc.)
Interim reporting and cash flow (forecasting) in one tool
Contact us
  • All Monitor Lite and Premium features
  • Custom reporting templates
  • Adjusted pricing
Testimonial Image

To fulfil our customers' current and future needs, we are committed to forward-thinking and providing proactive and actionable data. Having access to accurate and current data is essential in this endeavour. Monitr enables the centralization of all financial data in one place, empowering us to make informed decisions and compare performance with customers in real time, all based on precise and up-to-date information.

Martin Smulders

CEO - GetMonkey's (Exact Cloud Award Winner)
Testimonial Image

As a start-up, having a thorough understanding of our financial situation and future prospects is essential. With Monitr, we are able to accurately track our spending flows and reliably forecast our income and cash position. This both gives us, as our investors, a clear overview of our financial status. It simplifies the process of understanding where our money is going and what our future financial health is likely to be.

Valery Potchekailov

Co-Founder & CEO - Storychief
Testimonial Image

As a CFO, I have tested numerous tools, but often found them either too complex or inadequate. However, Monitr struck the perfect balance for me. Its flexibility to consolidate all my financial data into one platform, coupled with the ability to work with detailed scenarios, has been transformative. Additionally, the capability to create personalized reports through an integration with our accounting software has truly made a significant difference.

Jonathan Thelen

CEO - Financial Tree For Companies

Compare Monitr VS other cashflow solutions and VS  spreadsheets


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